
A New Year, A New Start

A lot happened in 2010. Not only did I start my second year at university in one of the best cities in the world, but I begun to contribute to the UK's top film blog, rsulting in the opportunity to display my passion for film and improve my writing skills.

However, despite these achievements, I've always felt I could do more and there were ways I could better myself. I've never given myself enough credit for the things I've achieved in my life, which is something I'd like to improve over the new year.

Okay, so I may not have a job, a lot of money to my name or be the world's best writer, but I have achieved some pretty impressive goals over my lifetime, more so in 2010 than any other year in my twenty one-year span.

My name is out in the world, on IMdB and HeyUGuys. In addition, my blog has received almost 300 views in less than two weeks. These are things to shout about; something that, until now, I've refrained from doing.

The problem I face is mostly to do with self-esteem. I have never been the most confident of people, always been in the background, never have a hugely impressive social life or had much luck when it comes to employment.

I have a brother who is also involved in the journalism field, and I find myself comparing my abilities to those he has acquired over his four years at university.

I constantly need to remind myself that I haven't had the same level of experience as him, so my writing won't yet be up to a higher standard. This is something I should work hard to change, not something that stops me in my tracks and makes me rethink my position.

I am a good writer. There's no way I'd have been picked up by HeyUGuys if this wasn't the case. 2011 will be about the year of admiration of my success, and the year I focus on my own accomplishments, instead of comparing myself to those my age achieving much, much more.

If you're interested in reading more of my work, find me at http://jamieneish.wordpress.com or http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/author/jamie/

Thank you for reading.

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